Recover Well and Recover Quicker to make the 4th Trimester Easier.

In the first few weeks postpartum, your body adapts from a state of pregnancy and experiences many changes: it is a big transition, emotionally and physically. 

The changes include:

  • Uterine involution (when the uterus returns to its normal non-pregnancy state)
  • Hormones normalisation
  • Emotional adjustments
  • 6kg to 8kg of puerperium weight loss, causing postural changes and the sudden shift of centre of gravity
  • Mammary changes

The common postpartum symptoms include:

  • Recovery from Labour:
  • Exhaustion
  • Pelvic Ligament and joint strain and pain
  • Epidural and other pain medication after effects such as headache or backache.
  • Pain from trigger points: tension in the abdominals, hip flexors, lower back, gluteal muscles and hip area.
  • Constipation
  • Lack of abdominal muscle tone and integrity


Postnatal Massage Paddington Brisbane - Integrated Mind Body

Postnatal Massage assists in relieving many of the common causes of discomfort during postpartum.


Postnatal Massage Paddington Brisbane - Integrated Mind Body

Postnatal Massage is the perfect opportunity to reduce the pregnancy discomforts that linger in the postnatal period and release discomforts related to your new daily routine with bub.

How can Postnatal Massage help you?

Postnatal Massage is an amazing and natural way to Alleviate Pain and Tension and Support the Postpartum Recovery.

It helps to:

  • Release Neck, Shoulders and Thoracic tightness and pain due to breastfeeding and carrying bub around
  • Rebalance the Pelvis and Support the Lumbar Spine
  • Reduce Lower Back and Pelvic Pain. Often Pelvic Pain lingers in the postnatal period for women who experienced it during the pregnancy
  • Ease off Oedema, especially if there was medication
  • Reduce General Muscle Fatigue
  • Heal the caesarian scar
  • Assist with the Abdominal area recovery and adaptation to pre-pregnancy state. 

Beautifully relaxing!

All of the elements of this treatment combine to create the optimal recovery & relaxation experience for you.

You can receive a postnatal massage from the first week post natural birth or from 2 weeks post caesarian ( medical clearance needed if appointment before 6 weeks post caesarian birth). 


Postnatal Massage Paddington Brisbane - Integrated Mind Body

“Do Yourself and Bub a Favour and Book your Postnatal Massage to Release Pain and Tension and make the 4th Trimester Easier!.”

Look after your body today for a healthier tomorrow.