Promote a healthy pregnancy for mum and bub.

Being a mum myself, I know that pregnancy is a very exciting and precious time in a woman’s life but I am also well aware that it can bring a lot of discomforts.

Over 9 months, your body undergoes remarkable physiological, structural, and psychological changes that vary depending on the stage of your pregnancy (3 trimesters).

We are all unique and it that sense, different levels of discomfort and different kind and number of symptoms will be brought forward by each of you.

Common symptoms include:

  • Lower Back Pain
  • Sciatic and Pelvic Pain
  • Neck and Shoulder Tightness
  • Hormonal Headaches
  • Leg Cramps
  • Insomnia and Restlessness
  • Oedema (fluid retention)
Pregnancy Massage Brisbane Paddington - Integrated Mind Body

Pregnancy Massage assists in relieving many of the common causes of discomfort during pregnancy.


Pregnancy Massage Brisbane Paddington - Integrated Mind Body

A well-supported mum will have a wonderful journey into motherhood and pregnancy massage offers wonderful support through the perinatal period.

How can Pregnancy Massage help you?

After assessment of your symptoms and discomforts, the therapist will provide you with a treatment that suits the stage of your pregnancy and your individual needs. You will be positioned comfortably and safely throughout the session.

Pregnancy Massage is a natural and safe way to reduce pain and discomfort. It can help to:

  • Reduce Sciatic, Hip and Pelvic Pain
  • Alleviate Lower Back Pain
  • Release Muscular Discomfort
  • Improve Circulation, minimising Leg Cramps
  • Improve Blood Flow, therefore improve oxygen and nutrients delivery to the mother and the baby
  • Reduce Hormonal Headaches
  • Improve Sleep and Ease off Insomnia
  • Increase Energy Levels
  • Boost Immune System
  • Ease off Swelling and Oedema

You are creating a new human,

Be Kind to Yourself.

We recommend you schedule your pregnancy massage to complement your midwife/obstetrician appointments. Or simply book in whenever you need some well-earned time-out.


Pregnancy Massage Brisbane Paddington - Integrated Mind Body

“The changes in your body will last just nine months, but the beauty of motherhood will embrace you for a lifetime.”

Look after your body today for a healthier tomorrow.